Michael G. Cochrane LL.B.

Lawyer & Best-Selling Author

Strictly Legal 2:

More things you absolutely need to know about Canadian law

Published: October 1, 2009

Class Action: Back of Book
Class Action: Back of Book

Strictly Legal should be read by all Canadian Financial advisors and they should, in turn, be recommending it to their clients.
–Daniel Collison, Investors Group Financial Services

    Canadians live by the rule of law. In theory, we are all equally governed by the law, and we all have equal access to our justice system. But in practice, says Toronto lawyer Michael Cochrane, we don’t know enough about our legal rights and obligations.

    An updated and expanded edition of the popular Strictly Legal, this book is divided into eleven helpful chapters, each explaining ten things you absolutely need to know about an area of Canadian law, including hiring a lawyer, contracts, real estate transactions, criminal law, wills and estates, employment law, and intellectual property protection. This second edition brings current Canadian law into focus for every reader with new and updated material, including:

    • a list of helpful websites and other resources;
    • the latest information on fast-changing areas of law such as Family Law and Privacy Law;
    • an overview of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, with an emphasis on the ways it affects our everyday lives.

    Strictly Legal is the book to help you take control of your legal situation. When you are more informed you make better decisions. Michael Cochrane demystifies the legal arena and clearly demonstrates how for consumers a little bit of knowledge can go a long way.
    –Patricia Lovett-Reid, host of BNN’s Money Talk