“We live in a world based not just on our rights but also on our obligations to others. I hope my books – fiction and non fiction – bring you closer to understanding both.”
–Michael Cochrane
Latest Works
Night Soil II
He’s baaaaack…..Andrew Bierce K.C. has returned and he has a grudge.
Now available through Amazon and by direct order from Michael Cochrane. For those who haven’t read Night Soil I have a special offer – both books for $30.00 plus shipping. And yes, Night Soil III will soon be on the way….Stay tuned!
“I wish I could give this book 10 stars. Another installment with the narrator/lawyer I love to hate had me staying up late to devour 386 pages of clever, captivating, provocative plot. Andrew Bierce K.C. returns to shake things up. Savage or Savior he works his magic to right some wrongs while he seeks revenge on some players who have it coming. Andrew’s intelligent and sarcastic narrative voice had me angry one minute and laughing the next. My only complaint is that upon completion I’m left wanting more.” – Lhendo (Amozon.ca reviews)
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Night Soil
– the story of divorce lawyer Andrew Bierce Q.C. and his clients. As Bierce likes to say, “I’m a divorce lawyer. You’re not supposed to like me.” Don’t worry, you won’t. His methods deliver results for his angry and hurt clients but at what cost?
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The Reviews are pouring in…
“Beautifully written, wonderfully funny…all an accurate depiction of the madness of family law…I cannot recommend it enough.” -Bill Rogers (Family Law Lawyer, Toronto
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Olympic Lyon
(2nd Edition)
– The Untold Story of the First gold medal for Golf
Before Tiger, There Was A Lyon
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“I felt transported to another time…”
-Lorne Rubenstein
“…literally impossible to put down.“
– David Miller, Former mayor of Toronto